The Adventures Of Pikatater

It's not the most original story, but I thought it was funny. I don't remember writing this. It was probably in 4th grade because that's when we learned cursive.

The Adventures Of Pikatater

by [young Tay Ferret]

Once there was a Poketater called Pikatater. He lived on the planet Potato. He lived with a man named Professor Oaktater. Professor Oaktater was giving out three Poketaters to Poketater trainers. Their names were Bulbatater, Chartater, and Squirtater. All the Poketater trainers came and got their Poketaters. Then a Poketater trainer named Ash came, but he was too late so Professor Oaktater gave him Pikatater. Ash wanted to catch all the Poketater. Professor Oaktater gave Ash a Tater-Dex to tell him what all the Poketater's names were. Ash and Pikatater met Misty and Brock. They all went on a Poketater journey and captured all the Poketater.

The End